"Now that I am old and gray, do not forsake me, God, that I may proclaim your might to all generations yet to come..." -- Psalm 71:18 (NAB)
2011 was an interesting year. Although only 55, I received my first senior discount at a local movie theater. Even more interesting was getting asked by a store clerk if I wanted a senior discount. Yes, time is passing, and although I don't think of myself as old, I am definitely turning gray!
I told some friends as we celebrated my birthday that it's been occurring to me that the time has passed for wondering "what I'm going to be when I grow up." :-) Yes, I know that Grandma Moses started painting in her 80s, and Jesus, of course, is free to do whatever He likes with me at any time. But I'm not thinking about major changes that I might initiate, such as my next career move . Rather, I'm praying for the grace to persevere in what the Lord has for me to do as I transition through "later middle age" and, in time, God willing, into old age.
As part of that, I've been thinking back to a Lenten Bible study I was part of a few years ago in which we studied the Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha. As I reflected on it, I started thinking of other pairs like them in the Scripture and the lessons we could learn from them. I think that's some of what I'd like to capture in the next few posts. I don't know how far I'll get, but let's see how it goes.
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