Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mary of Bethany

"Mary sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. " -- Luke 10:39 (RSV)

Mary of Bethany is a Scriptural character who is never called meek, but who shows the signs of being a meek person. She appears three times in Scripture (three where she is identified as Mary of Bethany): In Luke 10:38-42 when Jesus visits Martha and Mary; in John 11:1-44, the story of the raising of Lazarus; and in John 12:1-8, where she anoints Jesus.

Interestingly, in two of these three accounts, Mary comes under attack for her actions, first by her sister Martha when she sits at Jesus' feet rather than help with the serving, and then by Judas when she anoints Jesus with oil. In both cases, Jesus comes to her defense.

Like Moses, Mary has a strong, intimate relationship with the One she loves. In her actions, she is not concerned about what others think, but focuses on Jesus. This gives her the freedom to do what her love dictates she should do, without needing to defend herself. And Jesus, in turn, vindicates her.

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