Friday, November 30, 2012

He must increase...

"Andrew ... first found his brother Simon, and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus." -- (John 1:40b-42a)

Today is the feast of St. Andrew. Andrew is described by St. John as a disciple of St. John the Baptist and one of the first two disciples to follow Jesus. Andrew is the one responsible for bringing his brother Simon to Jesus.

Yet Andrew did not become one of the "inner circle" with Simon Peter, James, and John whom the Lord chose to be closest to Him. And what did he think when his brother, whom he had brought to the Lord, was chosen to be the leader, "the Rock" on which the Lord would build His Church? Was he resentful at being passed over, even though he had been one of Jesus' first followers?

If he was, there is no record of it in Scripture. In fact, you can almost hear him echoing the words of his first mentor, John the Baptist: "He must increase, and I must decrease."

Lord, please help me, like St. Andrew, to humbly and gratefully accept the role and purpose that You have for me, whatever it may be, without comparing myself to others. May I always bless what You are doing with others, whatever it may be and whatever it may mean, or not mean, for me.

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