Wednesday, September 8, 2010

From bad to worse to good...

We know that all things work for good for those who love God...--Rom. 8:28 (NAB)

When repairing a windshield, first, if you have a "star" or similar type chip where little cracks are going in different directions, you need to turn it into a "bulls-eye." So you drill into the surface, and then tap on the windshield with a probe until the bulls-eye forms. The loops of the bulls-eye keep the cracks from spreading further. So doing something that looks like you're damaging the windshield further is actually necessary to keep the damage from getting worse.

How often does it seem that things in our lives are going from bad to worse, as it did for Joseph in the Bible? First he was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt. (Gen. 37) Then he was falsely accused by his master's wife and thrown into jail. (Gen. 39) Then, after he did a good turn for Pharoah's cupbearer and asked him to remember him to Pharoah so as to get him out of jail, the cupbearer forgot all about him and Joseph was left there for two more years. (Gen. 40)

And yet it was because he was in jail that he was able, more than two years later, to be located so he could interpret Pharoah's dream. He was then raised up to a position to be used by God to save his family. As he told his brothers, "Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve His present end, the survival of many people." (Gen. 50:20)

Lord Jesus, when things seem to go from bad to worse, help me to always remember that, for those who love You, everything works for good. Amen.

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