Thursday, February 28, 2013

Benedict XVI Online Photo Album; Adopt a Cardinal!

"God is love." -- I John 4:8

A couple of quick notes (I don't want to stay up as late as I did last night!):
  • I just stumbled upon a beautiful online photo album on the Vatican Web site of pictures and quotes from Benedict XVI's time as pope. His wonderful warmth and love really come through these images and words. Check it out at (Click on a corner of the photo album to turn the page.)
  • Someone passed on a Web site that's encouraging people to adopt a specific cardinal who will be voting in the conclave and pray for that person from now until the new pope is elected. Just go to, click on the "adopt" button, and fill in your name and email address. You will be sent the name of one of the cardinal electors to pray for. What a great way to support with our prayers the cardinal electors as they discern God's will for us!

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