My soul clings fast to You; Your right hand upholds me.--Psalm 63:9 (NAB)
I had heard it said often of the saints that their attitude was, "Death rather than sin." Although I certainly admired that and wanted to get to that point, I had a hard time wrapping my mind and heart around it. Would I ever be able to say, "Death rather than sin"?
One day I felt like the Lord showed me a way to personalize it. Death is what separates my soul from my body. Sin is what separates my soul from God, venial sin in small ways, mortal sin in a complete way. So instead of the more impersonal saying, "Death rather than sin," think of it as, "I would rather have my soul be separated from my body than have my soul be separated from You, my God."
This is the love that God has for us, a love so great that He who is pure spirit took to Himself a body and soul. He then allowed His body and soul to be separated, to undergo an incredibly painful, shameful death, because He would rather have His soul be separated from His body than for His soul to be separated from us.
My dear Lord, apart from You, I can do nothing, but with You and in You, nothing is impossible. In Your great mercy and love, please send Your Holy Spirit to impart to me a strong burning love for You like Yours for me and a determination to cling to You no matter what. Then give me the courage and every other grace I need to live it out, so that nothing may matter to me more than to be with You, now and forever. Amen.