"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not;
In all your ways be mindful of Him, and He will make straight your paths."
--Proverbs 3:5-6 (NAB)
I've had a number of responses to my Christmas letter in which I wrote about weeding. A number of folks told me that either they are sensing God saying the same thing to them, or that the Lord used my letter to tell them to start weeding! But perhaps the most interesting response came from a friend who has already started the process of trying to weed.
This friend pointed out that the key issue involved here was trust in God. There's a way in which our urge to accumulate "stuff" is an effort to make provision for ourselves so we don't have to rely on the Lord as much.
As I reflected on what she wrote, I think she made an excellent point. Yes, there is a certain place for prudence, for making practical provision for a "rainy day." For example, the "perfect wife" in Proverbs 31 is commended for her diligence in providing for her household, which allows her to "laugh at the days to come" (Prov. 31:25).
I think it's fair to say, though, that many more Scripture verses could be cited that encourage us to trust in the Lord. In the Psalms alone, there are almost 50 verses that encourage us to put our trust in the Lord! (I didn't know that, I just have a good search engine. :-)) And Jesus frequently encouraged His followers to put their trust, not in material goods, but in Him; the "lilies of the field" discourse is just one example (Mt. 6:25-34).
This is an extremely important point to keep in mind, not only as I'm weeding, but in these challenging economic times. The crashing stock market and economy have shown many people who have put their trust in their savings, their jobs, their own ability to provide for themselves, that all those things are passing. The remedy is to "trust in the LORD with all your heart." If we do, then we will be able to say with the Psalmist, "I have not seen the righteous forsaken."
Dear Lord, You know my tendency, and our nation's tendency, to rely on our own intelligence--which is itself a gift from You--rather than to rely on You. Help me, help us all, in the days to come to seek You and Your will, not our own, and trust that You will make straight our paths.